Her biggest fear was that Flynn would walk away before she could even start to worry about him not coming home.

— Brynn Kelly

You need intensity to be quick.

— Sunday Adelaja

Your destiny is connected with your calling.

— Sunday Adelaja

You don’t need any confirmation if you are already in the spirit.

— Sunday Adelaja

Life - your gunna meet some two faced people, some bosses that make your soul cringe, some places you wished you'd never walked into... But then you'll grow, you'll learn that your gut instinct isn't nieve, your boss can ' fuck it' because your dreams are more important and the places you walked into unaware of chaos, will bring you to places of perfect peace. Hold on, the struggle won't last forever.

— Nikki Rowe

I have a love/pain relationship with her. Love that caused more pain and pain that changed me.

— Sara Naveed

I’m . . . Accustomed to being alone. There are times when alone is the best place to be. I enjoy my own company.

— Sara Naveed

You need to understand the principle of intensity to reclaim time.

— Sunday Adelaja

Color is an intense experience on its own.

— Jim Hodges

I love her passionately with a morbid intensity; madly as one can only love a woman who never responds to our love with anything but an eternally uniform, eternally calm, stony smile.

— Leopold von Sacher-Masoch