The Agna, liberating instructions of the 'Gnani' [the enlightened one], purifies the mind. Knowledge of the Self [self realization] will give the mind, solutions in every circumstance.
— Dada BhagwanMy son, do not forget your father's instructions.
— Lailah Gifty AkitaIf an eagle gives you a feather, keep it safe.Remember: that giants sleep too soundly; thatwitches are often betrayed by their appetites;dragons have one soft spot, somewhere, always;hearts can be well-hidden,and you betray them with your tongue.Do not be jealous of your sister.Know that diamonds and rosesare as uncomfortable when they tumble from one's lips as toads and frogs:colder, too, and sharper, and they cut.Remember your name.Do not lose hope -- what you seek will be found.Trust ghosts. Trust those that you have helped to help you in their turn.Trust dreams.Trust your heart, and trust your story.When you come back, return the way you came.Favors will be returned, debts be repaid.Do not forget your manners.Do not look back.Ride the wise eagle (you shall not fall).Ride the silver fish (you will not drown).Ride the grey wolf (hold tightly to his fur).There is a worm at the heart of the tower; that is why it will not stand.When you reach the little house, the place your journey started,you will recognize it, although it will seem much smaller than you remember.Walk up the path, and through the garden gate you never saw before but once.And then go home. Or make a home.Or rest.
— Neil GaimanTechnology presumes there’s just one right way to do things and there never is. And when you presume there’s just one right way to do things, of course the instructions begin and end exclusively with the rotisserie. But if you have to choose among an infinite number of ways to put it together then the relation of the machine to you, and the relation of the machine and you to the rest of the world, has to be considered, because the selection from many choices, the art of the work is just as dependent upon your own mind and spirit as it is upon the material of the machine. That’s why you need the peace of mind.
— Robert M. PirsigWhen the human being says:'It is not true...'He may mean:'I don't know about it, so I think it is untrue.'Or:'I don't like it.
— Idries ShahIt is better to consult God’s instruction than seek your own ways.
— Lailah Gifty AkitaRemember your name. Do not lose hope ---what you seek will be found.
— Neil GaimanShe needed to come with an instructional manual. And one not written in Spanish.
— Kelly MoranLeadership crisis erupt when people who have not learnt how to obey instructions are given the privilege to give commands. Leaders are experienced servants.
— Israelmore AyivorI had a dream about you. We were actors in a horror movie and I was hunting you down with a knife. When I finally cornered you the director yelled 'Cut'.... What? I can't be blamed for following instructions.
— Georgia Saratsioti