I’d see the arrow. I’d think about attitude and perception. Maybe the green arrow on the ceiling is to Muslims as the KJV in the Motel 6 nightstand is to Christians.
— Tucker ElliotBesides, if it was the wrong choice, what difference was one more bad decision going to make?
— S.A. TawksIt’s not that I had more important things to do or that I didn’t want to help with whatever problems were interfering with her students being successful—rather, it’s this horrible truth that life has taught me: misplaced hope is the most devastatingly painful thing you can give someone.
— Tucker ElliotAnxiety's already tingling my skin.
— S.A. TawksDuring the Japanese invasion, bombs had fallen from the sky and people could run for cover. Now, they exploded in the middle of the road, or in the fields while people were playing soccer.
— Mohamed Latiff MohamedI’m not sure I ever met an American teacher in Korea that hadn’t volunteered at an orphanage at least once—even our resident idiot could be surprisingly decent on occasion—but I’ve also visited foreign countries where children are taught hatred. I’ve seen it up close and personal. It’s antithetical to everything I believe in as a teacher. The mandate for all teachers is to instill hope, not fear and hatred.
— Tucker ElliotA donation to the police officer's back pocket should have you on your way without a problem.
— S.A. TawksMy book 'Bamboo Walls' is forever because the Djojobojo Prophecy is timeless!
— Yvonne B MurthaI'd gotten high enough to fly through time.
— S.A. TawksI guess my biggest problem is that I find it easier to relapse than to carry through.
— S.A. Tawks