Love without humility results in the inclination to act as everyone's parent, humility without love results in the need to be everyone's child, and love with humility results in the desire to be a friend.

— Criss Jami

It is not a surprise that there are people we love and hate at the same time. Not as though we hate them, but we hate how they don't love us.

— Michael Bassey Johnson

She wondered again about her inclination to wish for things that made her so deeply unhappy.

— Ann Brashares

Our novice runs the risk of failure without additional traits: a strong inclination toward originality, a taste for research, and a desire to experience the incomparable gratification associated with the act of discovery itself.

— Santiago Ramón y Cajal

People love it when you criticise some things which they do not believe in, practices which are contrary to what they practice or contrary views. They call you objective and truthfulBut immediately you start disagreeing with their views, criticising their beliefs, expressing contrary views against what they support, they call you foul names, say you are not a child of God, ask who you are to judge.Listen and listen good, I love writing and I write based on inspiration and experience.I don't just write, I write to capture the minds of my readers and to spark reaction. I welcome contrary views, I love you opposing my stance cos in the process I learn some things from you.Don't get mad at me for expressing myself via writing. I love putting things down. Learn to tolerate my views and counter me when you don't agree.Stop holding grudges and developing unnecessary hatred. Life is too short to be closed minded and inclined. Life is too short for me to idolize anybody.I can't always be dancing to your tunes, you also have to dance to mine.


Most of the things we deem as impossible are only impossible because we’ve given them permission to be impossible.

— Craig D. Lounsbrough

Break free from the binding robes of passion that feels like a lump in your heart, perform that surgery today, and you'll be set free forever.

— Michael Bassey Johnson

Reason forbade me many things which,Instinctively, my nature was attracted to;And a perpetual loss I feel if, knowing,I believe a falsehood or deny the truth.

— Abul 'Ala' Al-Ma'arri

The only way to be inclined to write is to write to your inclination.

— Terry Lander

People carry around with them internalization's fixed-feature space learned early in life. Man is like other members of the animal kingdom , first, last and always a prisoner of his biological organism. No matter how hard he tries, it is impossible for him to the best himself of his own culture, where it has penetrated to the roots of his nervous system and determines how he perceives the world.

— Edward T. Hall