What if stars were the glimmering tears of a giant, welling in his cheeks, waiting to fall at the first tender stroke of emotion? What if the moon were a wide-open eye gazing down on our tiny, little world and its tiny, little inhabitants as they rush to and fro in pursuit of tiny, little dreams? What if the sun were the glowing heart of a great beast, pumping hot blood to keep him alive while providing warmth for our pitiful world? Ahhh, imagination; it is a wondrous thing!

— Richelle E. Goodrich

My favorite words in the world are these: in conjunction.They question curiosities in simple form and function. Is a query of broadest scope. Is wonder that fuels all hope.Together they lasso the mind like rope, and spur the wildest deductions!

— Richelle E. Goodrich

My favorite words in the world are t.

— Richelle E. Goodrich

I love a man who tickles me awake with reality, and kisses me goodnight with fictionBraids my hair with simplicity to compliment my contradiction And calms the waging wars inside with a simple boyish lookFor he is as much a mystery as he is an open book When I am at my worst, I am beautiful by his sideHe draws me in yet keeps me free, the moon to my tideHe relishes my quirks and antics just as much I love to keep him franticAnd if I ever fall, he doesn’t catch me right awayBecause he knows I’ll glideAnd even more so, knows how much I enjoy the ride…With the strength I lack, he holds my insecurity safe in-between his fingersAnd if there is ever a doubt while I am out running aboutHis steady grip lingersHe drives me crazy just as much as he keeps me saneAnd has the wisdom to keep me wild knowing I’ll die if ever tameSo when I am far, he frets not, because he knows he’s my favorite destination If ever I am down, he joins me on the ground and points out my favorite constellationsHe catches my sighs and lackluster repliesWith ageless humor and tenacity I draw blanks at his capacity And challenge his audacity But He wins because despite my stubbornness he is persistentYet forever fails because he belongs to nonexistent.

— Yesenia Barkley

At the end, a journey based on my imagination will leave me imagining that I should have engaged the very thing I used my imagination to avoid.

— Craig D. Lounsbrough

He was so far away now, or maybe he just looked distant because we were imaging different things for our future.

— Alexandra Kleeman

An inexhaustible imagination is the fountain of youth.

— Richelle E. Goodrich

I earn the magic of words by writing.I learn the myth of worlds by imagining.

— Toba Beta

Daydream. Because you can't accomplish what you've never fully imagined.

— Richelle E. Goodrich

That's what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again.

— Kelly Marcel & Sue Smith