Be transparent. Let's build a community that allows hard questions and honest conversations so we can stir up transformation in one another.

— Germany Kent

While most things require money to invest in, with efforts toward uncertain market shares maintained.Friendship is something your heart invests in, with priceless returns shared, in warm memory, remain.

— Tom Althouse

May we have equal concern for each other to create a unified world.

— Lailah Gifty Akita

Life is an endless attempt to word the unwordable, to make what cannot be touched walk on the ground, to embody what can never be fit inside a single lifetime. We see reflections of ourselves in sunrises, hear our perfection in thunderstorms and babies' laughter--touch, taste and feel--and then try to somehow remember all of that while taking out the trash, paying bills and a million other ways we have invented to forget.We weave together within ourselves mud and spirit, shadow and light, animal and angel.No wonder humans feel crazy most of the time.But you aren't crazy. You are doing a heroic thing by being here as yourself.

— Jacob Nordby

I long for the day when people embrace our common humanity and respect diversity.

— Liza M. Wiemer

In order to appreciate and respect diversity we must first recognize and embrace our humanity.

— Liza Wiemer

Compared to forest or aquatic ecosystems, grassland is unstable. It requires rather precise geological and climatic conditions, and if these conditions are not maintained--if too much rain falls, or too little--it quickly turns into forest or desert, both of which are dominated by woody plants. This instability is reflected in the spectacular but brief careers of various grassland faunas. Humanity, with its dazzling symbioses, preadaptations, and neoteny, is the most spectacular of these--and may well be the briefest.

— David Rains Wallace

Anyone who is considered funny will tell you, sometimes without even your asking, that deep inside they are very serious, neurotic, introspective people.

— Wendy Wasserstein

One human could simply withhold its feelings and intentions from another human by failing to audibilize or it could audibilize things that were not real. The other human would be aware only of what it heard and would change its behavior in response to a nonexistent stimulus. They called it 'lying.

— Robert Buettner

Innate human tendencies were meant to help us survive the wilderness, not make investment decisions.

— Coreen T. Sol