My dear Watson, you as a medical man are continually gaining light as to the tendencies of a child by the study of the parents. Don't you see that the converse is equally valid. I have frequently gained my first real insight into the character of parents by studying their children.”—Sherlock Holmes, “The Adventure of the Copper Beeches.
— Arthur Conan DoyleMany aspects of the human condition are beautiful and many others are vile. Betrayal and personal agony represent a maddening part of being human. A person can maintain personal dignity by exercising restraint, remaining true to their conscience, and preserving under difficult conditions.
— Kilroy J. OldsterMan is meant for good but designed for evil.
— Raheel FarooqThe only measure of judging a human being is through that person’s character, because character is not determined by race, religion, gender or social status. And one who recognizes this simple fact of human life behaves the same with the scientist, the janitor and the sex-worker.
— Abhijit NaskarAnother flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance.
— Kurt Vonnegut Jr.No other being is lesser human than the one who thinks of others as such.
— Abhijit NaskarMan is a logical machine run by the scoundrels of emotions.
— Raheel Farooq