Hypocrisy a homage is true, That vice pays to virtue, Be man - himself so true, That no false does he brew.

— Munindra Misra

All rivers pay homage to the ocean for it lies lowest.

— Jeffrey Fry

What do you think has become of the young and old men? And what do you think has become of the women and children? They are alive and well somewhere, The smallest sprout shows there is really no death, And if ever there was it led forward life, and does not wait at the end to arrest it, And ceas'd the moment life appear'd. All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses, And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.

— Walt Whitman

Respect cannot be inherited, respect is the result of right actions.

— Amit Kalantri

Nevertheless man has found love, which is not a bad reply to that sly Deity, and he has adorned it with so much poetry that woman often forgets the sensual part of it. Those among us who are unable to deceive themselves have invented vice and refined debauchery, which is another way of laughing at God and paying homage, immodest homage, to beauty.

— Guy de Maupassant