Oh, poor baby,” she said, mimicking his drawl.“Whew. You’re back. There was this other Susie here a minute ago, and she was really nice to me. She scared the shit out of me.”She laughed. “They locked her back up in the loony bin.”“Good, because there’s only one Susie for me—the one who calls me on my crap and doesn’t let me get away with jack shit. That’s the Susie I need. That’s the Susie I’ve missed coming home to over the last year.” He kissed her. “And that’s the Susie who’s going to leave a gaping hole in my heart and my life if she doesn’t give me another chance.

— Marie Force

If the shoe fits, buy another one just like it.

— George Carlin

Honey, are you being safe?''I wear my seat belt, yes.''Does this Rob Lovely wear a seat belt too?'Matty sighed. 'Mother, seat belts should be worn at all times when in a moving vehicle. Didn't you teach me that?''So long as we're both talking about condoms here, then I'll leave it.''Consider it left.

— Leta Blake

I sprung you because I've got a message for you'doesn't your family own a cell phone company?'only a little one.

— Ally Carter

Everything ok here ?'Ryan grunted urging her with a hand on her lower back.'He thinks you should mind your own business,'Makenna told the Beta,translating the grunt.Dominic cocked his head.'You understand his grunts?'She lifted her chin.'I thought it was crystal clear.'Dominic turned to Ryan.'Marry her.'Ryan grunted again before heading for the door.'What did he say?'Dominic asked her.'Fuck off,'she translated.

— Suzanne Wright

No more tubs for me.' I jumped off the bed and pulled on a pair of Pack sweats. 'They make me lose all sense.'Curran sprawled on the bed with a big self-satisfied smile. 'Want to know a secret?'Sure.'It's not the bathtub, baby.'Well, aren't we smug. I picked up the corner of the lowest mattress and made a show of looking under it.'What are you looking for?'A pea Your Majesty.'What?'You heard me.'I jumped back as he lunged and his fingers missed me by an inch.'Getting slow in your old age.'I thought you liked it slow.'A flashback to last night mugged me and my mind executed a full stop.He laughed. 'Ran out of snappy comebacks?'Hush. I'm trying to think of one.

— Ilona Andrews

I had one of those ideas I do sometimes get, though admittedly a chump of the premier class.

— P.G. Wodehouse

There's a reason caveman started to develop sophisticated tools before the meteor wiped them all out: It's so they could fucking shave. Do you know how frustrating it must have been to be hunched over all night trying to start a fire only to finally succeed just to have your beard go up in flames? No aloe vera back then.

— Ari Gold

What man art thou that, thus bescreened in night,So stumblest on my counsel?*Who are you? Why do you hide in the darkness and listen to my private thoughts?*.

— William Shakespeare

-You have what they call the complete package, Adders.-What do you know about my package?-No that package, you idiot! You are the complete package! I wasn't talking about what's in your trousers!

— Lisa J. Hobman