Quinn seemed to have become one of a jaded philosophical society, a group of arcane deviates. Their raison d'etre was a kind of mystical masochism, forcing initiates toward feats of occult daredevilry - 'glimpsing the inferno with eyes of ice', to take from the notebook a phrase that was repeated often and seemed a sort of chant of power. As I suspected, hallucinogenic drugs were used by the sect, and there was no doubt that they believed themselves communing with strange metaphysical venues. Their chief aim, in true mystical fashion, was to transcend common reality in the search for higher states of being, but their stratagem was highly unorthodox, a strange detour along the usual path toward positive illumination. Instead, they maintained a kind of blasphemous fatalism, a doomed determinism which brought them face to face with realms of obscure horror. Perhaps it was this very obscurity that allowed them the excitement of their central purpose, which seemed to be a precarious flirting with personal apocalypse, the striving for horrific dominion over horror itself.('The Dreaming In Nortown').

— Thomas Ligotti

The higher consciousness feel the most pain because they search for the darkness in order to bring it to the light and thus feel the most pleasure.

— Matthew Donnelly

The slower frequencies are dropping away to be replaced by the faster, higher, more refined frequencies that are part of the Energetic Evolution.

— Elaine Seiler

Let your thoughts, intentions, imaginations, and dreams fly under a clear blue sky with a spring breeze floating like a butterfly from flower to flower. See the beauty of mankind. Enjoy the nectar of life. It will shift your awareness to a higher consciousness.

— Debasish Mridha

Self-care is how you take your power back.

— Lalah Delia

I believe in a higher consciousness. I also believe that nature is supremely conscious. A tree is more conscious than we are.

— Debasish Mridha

When someone achieves higher consciousness, he or she never dies. They only transform.

— Debasish Mridha

Consistent happiness is an art - An art that involves taking and maintaining control of which thoughts you give attention to and which thoughts you disregard.

— Gennaro Moccia

Not accomplishing your Life Plan is a tragic act of free will. It is akin to charting an elaborate vacation itinerary before arriving at your holiday destination, with all kinds of plans for outdoor adventures and intentions to go sightseeing and shopping, but then ending up spending the whole trip in your hotel room ordering from room service and watching television. In a similar fashion the unconscious soul spends a lifetime in the semi-conscious state of Divine Disconnection and then returns home mostly ‘empty-handed’.

— Anthon St. Maarten

A seed cannot grow in stone. It requires fertile soil & water. Compassion is the soil where life grows.

— Amit Ray