And thought about the female who, despite being human, he was beginning to see as a friend.
— Anne BishopTheo's already on his way. Paul might bee too, but communications have been down so long, I don't know.'Heading out here with a storm like this coming in? That's madness.' Dad sighs. 'Then again, jumping through dimensions to chase a dead man is madness too. I had long suspected their lunacy but this confirmation is nonetheless disquieting.'See? Everything's going to be fine.
— Claudia GraySometimes people did this, closed their eyes for a few seconds and imagined it gave them insights into what it was like to be her. Only, at the end, they could still open their eyes and see.
— April HenryHenry,' said Charlotte, who appeared to have recovered from her shock, 'if you set yourself on fire deliberately, I will institute divorce proceedings. Now sit down and eat your supper. And say hello to our guest.
— Cassandra ClareAm I blind?' Will's voice floated out of the darkness, tinged with annoyance. 'I'm not going to be at all pleased if you've blinded me, Henry.
— Cassandra ClareI believe in mess, tears, pain, self-abasement, loss of self-respect, nakedness. Not caring doesn’t seem much different from not loving.
— Tom StoppardD'you think he would have thought ahead like that?' said Henry. 'Assuredly,' said Will. 'The man's a strategist.' He tapped his temple. 'Like me.
— Cassandra ClareHenry held up his taco- formerly Vlad's- and grinned. ' Little known fact, gentlemen. Tacos are the food of genius.'pg248 Henry to Vlad & Joss.
— Heather BrewerDad will come back,' said Charlie quietly.When Mrs Bone turned to him, she didn't look sad at all, in fact she was smiling. 'You know, Charlie, I'm beginning to believe you,' she said. 'After what happened to Henry, I can believe almost anything.
— Jenny NimmoI can’t lie to you and tell you that standing in front of someone and offering them your soul and having them reject you is not gonna be one of the worst things that ever happens to you. You will wonder for days or weeks or months or years afterward what it is about you that was so wrong or broken or ugly that they couldn’t love you the way you loved them. You will look for all the reasons inside yourself that they didn’t want you and you will find a million.Maybe it was the way you looked in the mornings when you first woke up and hadn’t showered. Maybe it was the way you were too available, because despite what everyone says, playing hard to get is still attractive.Some days you will believe that every atom of your being is defective somehow. What you need to remember, as I remembered as I watched Grace Town leave, is that you are extraordinary.
— Krystal Sutherland