O' melancholy,hectic chill for human soul,herewith dismal presence,any spirit does descent.

— Nithin Purple

Certainly we can say that the pace of modern life, increased and supported by our technology in general and our personal electronics in particular, has resulted in a short attention span and an addiction to the influx of information. A mind so conditioned has little opportunity to think critically, and even less chance to experience life deeply by being in the present moment. A complex life with complicated activities, relationships and commitments implies a reflexive busy-ness that supplants true thinking and feeling with knee-jerk reactions. It is a life high in stress and light on substance, at least in the spiritually meaningful dimensions of being.

— Arthur Rosenfeld

In a world where things are moving so fast, don't get lost in the midst of it all. Figure out what's more important to you and proceed with confidence. I know it gets a bit hectic at times and almost seems impossible. But, you can get there, even if you must pause along the way. Just don't come to a complete stop.

— Amaka Imani Nkosazana