On the sound of handcuffs--'For me it's the sound of all light and hope crashing down on a minority.
— Moctezuma JohnsonHearts aren't handcuffs and people aren't prisons. When you feel it's time for you to leave, you leave. You neither need to wait to be released, nor ask for permission.
— Beau TaplinThe uncertainty wore on him. The conditions in jail--the handcuffs, the noise, the filth, the crowding--mangled his senses. It's likely that, if one must be incarcerated in the United States, a jail in central Maine would be among the more tolerable spots, but to Knight it was torture. 'Bedlam' is how he referred to the place. It never got dark in jail; at eleven p.M., the lights merely became a little duller. 'I suspect,' he noted, 'more damage has been done to my sanity in jail, in months; than years, decades, in the woods.
— Michael FinkelHandcuffs weigh much more than gravestones.(from 'Gratitude').
— Visar ZhitiThose who see poverty looking for human slaves to capture, will tell you they saw him holding the handcuffs of laziness.
— Israelmore AyivorSimon laughed heartily. “I’m afraid the rest of us have to find talents to get our women into bed. Of course once they’re there, I have other talents that keep them right where they are.”“Handcuffs hardly count,” Christian said offhandedly.“If you mean the ladies cuffing me to the bed so they can explore Hunt Island,” he said, rubbing his chest, “…then point taken. These hands are capable of making any female climax by the mere brush of a pinky across her bare breast.”“I must have gone to the wrong island,” I said with a private laugh.
— Dannika Dark