Ask a child's guardians what it takes to be good at their jobs, and most will answer with a single word... SACRIFICE. Parents give up so much: time, sleep, freedom, money, intimacy... Pretty much everything but complaining how much they sacrifice.

— Brian K. Vaughan

Is it not strange how humans will resort to the most inhumane of actions as the first plausible solution? Why are we such a feral bloodthirsty species when we are supposedly the enlightened ones? Are we guardians... Or just mindless butchers?

— Dimitri Zaik

The old sleep poorly. Perhaps they stand watch.

— Stephen King

The Order of the Titans had agreed with his assessment. This generation, the Order would be successful where previous generations had failed, because this time they would steal mankind's inspiration. They would kill the muses for the greater good.... For the good of mankind.

— Lisa Kessler

Her caramel skin and curly beach sand hair spreads in wavy chops like the choppy storm waves on the ocean. Her fluffy rose colored lips glisten with eyes emerald green and almond shaped set deep into her face and yet when she looks at you with those same deep set eyes, it feels like they jump out, speaking to you.

— Ami Blackwelder

You are my star in this dark, dark world that we inhabit.

— Misty Daniel

We've heard that you don't need a near-death experience to see Guardians. Just be more wide awake when you dream.

— Stefanie Samek

We are the eyes in the darkness.

— Mladen Đorđević

She kissed his chest. 'Thanks for letting me into your heart.' He tucked her hair behind her ear. 'You walked in like you had a key.

— Lisa Kessler

More than half of our history is lost, not because they were not documented, but they had no guardians and protectors.

— M.F. Moonzajer