You stubborn bastard. Take it from someone who knows firsthand, there’s a lot to be said for forgiveness. Grudges seldom hurt anyone except the one bearing them.'And there’s a lot to be said for knocking enemies upside their heads and cracking skulls open.'Ash & Urian.
— Sherrilyn KenyonDon’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy.
— Roy T. BennettYou can decide to refuse to allow people who aim at hating you to achieve their aims.
— Israelmore AyivorAnd even as she holds on to him, like she's drowning, she can feel the familiar anger returning, like an old song that you've heard so many times it's not even a song anymore, just a wasted pathway in your brain that you can never reclaim.
— Jonathan TropperSeriousness is too boring to the playful human condition. A heart of stone that has a long face can never express love.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonI am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me. Those seem to be the two choices. Everything else is just killing time.
— John GreenChild, you do not forgive because the person who wronged deserves it. You misunderstood the point of forgiveness entirely. The only cage that a grudge creates is around the holder of the grudge. Forgiveness is not saying that the person who hurt you was right, or has earned it, or is allowed to hurt you again. All forgiveness means is that you will carry on without the burdens of rage or hatred.
— Merrie HaskellWe are what we remember. If we lose our memory, we lose our identity and our identity is the accumulation of our experiences. When we walk down the memory lane, it can be unconsciously, willingly, selectively, impetuously or sometimes grudgingly. By following our stream of consciousness we look for lost time and things past. Some reminiscences become anchor points that can take another scope with the wisdom of hindsight. ('Walking down the memory lane' ).
— Erik PevernagieNo second chances. It's not so much about morality, but about my inability to forgive. I am a champion grudge holder, and I don't think I could change this about myself even if I wanted to.
— Emily GiffinGrudges are for those who insist that they are owed something; forgiveness, however, is for those who are substantial enough to move on.
— Criss Jami