I am willing for the participant to commit or not commit himself to the group. If a person wishes to remain psychologically on the sidelines, he has my implicit permission to do so. The group itself may or may not be willing for him to remain in this stance but personally I am willing. One skeptical college administrator said that the main things he had learned was that he could withdraw from personal participation, be comfortable about it, and realize that he would not be coerced. To me, this seemed a valuable learning and one that would make it much more possible for him actually to participate at the next opportunity. Recent reports on his behavior, a full year later, suggest that he gained and changed from his seeming nonparticipation.

— Carl R. Rogers

There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.

— Idowu Koyenikan

The following are not my words, I have seen it some where . But I wish to share it here for every one ....Two ice cubes jump from fridgeThey laugh each other...Hug and Enjoy each other...Smile to every oneSuddenly they melt each other and remained a little water...Changed in to water ????They asked each other!!!In this water which is Me and You??Finally they found outFrom now there is no Me and YouONLY WE .......

— Anoop Ashok

My group has to do the Eighth Amendment, which is the one about cruel and unusual punishment. I'm not sure why group work isn't counted in that amendment.

— Kirstin Cronn-Mills

I am well aware that certain exercises, tasks setup by the facilitator, can practically force the group to more of a here-and-now communication or more of a feeling level. There are leaders who do these very skillfully, and with good effect at the time. However, I am enough of a scientist-clinician to make many casual follow-up inquiries, and I know that frequently the lasting result of such procedures is not nearly as satisfying as the immediate effect. At it's best it may lead to discipleship (which I happen not to like): 'What a marvelous leader he is to have made me open up when I had no intention of doing it!' It can also lead to a rejection of the whole experience. 'Why did I do those silly things he asked me to?' At worst, it can make the person feel that his private self has been in some way violated, and he will be careful never to expose himself to a group again. From my experience I know that if I attempt to push a group to a deeper level it is not, in the long run, going to work.

— Carl R. Rogers