Better a humble heart, a lowly life. Untouched by greatness let me live - and live. Not too little, not too much: there safety lies.

— Euripides

Hero,” said Machaon to his sister who was still muttering to her gods. “Please stop. Surely the gods would have heard you by now … let’s try not to annoy them.

— Sulari Gentill

Of all creatures that can feel and think,we women are the worst treated things alive.

— Euripides

[A]s Agatha Swanburne once said, 'To be kept waiting is unfortunate, but to be kept waiting with nothing interesting to read is a tragedy of Greek proportions.

— Maryrose Wood

Mortal fate is hard. You'd best get used to it.

— Euripides

Who can stop grief's avalanche once it starts to roll.

— Euripides

Not too little, not too much: there safety lies.

— Euripides

In childbirth grief begins.

— Euripides

I'd three times sooner go to war than suffer childbirth once.

— Euripides

Old loves are dropped when new ones come.

— Euripides