Do you know who your grand grand grand grand grand father is? Probably you don’t! If you want to know your very distant past, just look at yourself because you are the accumulated past, you are the ancient river coming from the valleys of the far past!

— Mehmet Murat ildan

You know I won’t take a chance with your lives…” Ethan replied. “You’re the future of the Fortner family.” He smiled and took her hand in his. “Like I said, don’t worry…before you know it you’ll have Jeff back and you can tell him he’s going to be a father!

— C.G. Faulkner

My grandfather would pet the dog, and, in a voice that made him sound like some kind of children's program puppet, he would say: 'You're a dog! You're a dog! Where are you? You're a dog!' and the dog's tongue would drop out of its mouth and it would start keening. After a few hours of this, I said, 'Jesus Grandpa, I get it, he's a dog,' not knowing that, just a few years later, I would be reminding every dog I met on the street that it was a dog, and asking it where it was.

— Téa Obreht

My grandfather Frank Lloyd Wright wore a red sash on his wedding night. That is glamour!

— Anne Baxter

Oh, Caddy,' said Saffron miserably.'I know. It's awful. But I'm going. We all should.'It will be so sad.'You have to be sad sometimes,' said Caddy. 'Whatever Dad says. He may be right. Granddad probably had totally lost his marbles, but I am still sad and I'm still going to the funeral. I shall be as unhappy as I like and I shall where black.

— Hilary McKay

If I were offering hip replacement services I'd use Jarod Kintz as my spokesman. No one can possibly be better than him, to replace the missing spoke in your wheels.

— Will Advise

Both me and Ishmeet were very naughty. We used to have my grandfather's swords in the house. We used to take all these swords and take all the showpieces Mom had and slice them one by one. He actually locked my nana in the kitchen once for two hours.

— Karan Singh Grover

To the loyal and to the blood-lovers, in the good families and in the fiery dynasties, life is family and family is life. It is the same people who give advice and their vices to live well who turn out to be the ones who give resource and reason to live long.

— Criss Jami

When Jarod Kintz gets married, I want to wear his grandpa to the ceremony, telling everyone we're Siamese twins from the future-past. Meow.

— Will Advise

Graceful. Lean. Coordinated as she whirls, though how she knows what dancing is, [her grandfather] could never guess.The song plays on. He lets it go too long. The antenna is still up, probably dimly visible against the sky, the whole attic might as well shine like a beacon. But in the candlelight, in the sweet rush of a concerto, Marie-Laure bites her lower lip, and her face gives off a secondary glow, reminding him of the marshes beyond the town walls, in those winter dusks when the sun has set but isn't fully swallowed, and big patches of red pools of light burn - places he used to go with his brother, in what seems like lifetimes ago.

— Anthony Doerr