By assembling in our mind all the consequential facts we have lived through and by reviewing, appraising or sometimes idealizing the numerous key points of the past, authenticity may gradually mutate and actuality decay at last. At that point in time we are to experience a maimed factuality. ('Labyrinth of the mind').

— Erik Pevernagie

It might be like you are still far from getting there, but remember, you are closer to it than you were yesterday. Every tiny step you take counts a lot!

— Israelmore Ayivor

I gradually fell from grace; alas, you dove in headfirst!

— Ahmed Mostafa

You put yourself in a tight corner of failure if you think 'it's only the rich that get richer while the poor get poorer'. No! Something good can come out from you no matter who you are, what you have done and where you have been to!

— Israelmore Ayivor

Swallowing, he entered the second code. Then there was a sound like a marble dropping on the floor - bouncing slowly, gradually getting faster as it dropped lower and lower… The thing was toying with him! Where was it? He strained his hearing, but all was again silent. He wanted to shout and scream obscenities at it, but he fought the impulse. It might not really know his location after all - and that would've led it right to him. It must be coming for him! It must be by the door by now, looking for a way in. Time was running out. He hastily keyed in the third and last code.Death the destroyer never is late!

— Christina Engela

Whatever you find to be very difficult for you, believe it that it’s never difficult if you do something little about it every day!

— Israelmore Ayivor