Sometimes saying 'goodbye' may be the best thing to say to someone!

— Avijeet Das

My cousins had told me dead people came back as Dracula.Draculas got thirsty at night and drank only blood, leaving themilk and juices in the refrigerator for the house owners. I thoughtDraculas were cool, they had some manners. Still I didn’t like theidea of anyone drinking blood.

— Sheeja Jose

You learn to run by running.

— Sheeja Jose

Vomit and shit, even your own, stink.

— Sheeja Jose

On deathbed every single good, bad, ugly moment becomes special.

— Sheeja Jose

Life is like a dream, when you wake up,you only have memories.

— Sheeja Jose

If you wait for God to descend to earth and save youfrom your fuck ups, you will be waiting until youdrop dead.

— Sheeja Jose

Her kiss was a good-bye and a promise and a dream.

— Shannon A. Thompson