The core issue in monotheism is righteousness/wickedness. Righteous/wicked qualifies a person acting or being Good/bad.In an environment of scarcity, man’s vital strategy for collective survival hinges on being good to his clan and bad to rival clans to acquire or defend resources.So the creation/elaboration/nurture of both good and bad can only be the consequence of a primary cause: scarcity.Monotheism “Revealing” such a mental disadvantage in a Creator as to confuse consequences for causes is … revelatory.

— Haroutioun Bochnakian

Another way to strengthen connection to intuition is to refuse to allow anyone to repress your vivid energies... That means your opinions, your thoughts, your ideas, your values, your morals, your ideals. There is very little right/wrong or good/bad in this world. There is, however, use and not useful.

— Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Like-dislike, good-bad, profit-loss; who gave rise to all these dualities? The society did. As far as God is concerned, there is no duality. If there are grains of food on one side and excrement on the other, in God’s eyes, they are both “material (matter)”. What does God say about this? “All are materials!

— Dada Bhagwan