Do you think the memory of someone should dictate how we live going forward?' he asks, threading and unthreading his fingers together.'It depends,' I say. 'I think you can probably honor someone's memory, but you can't live for them, because that means living in the past.
— Alexandra BrackenThe wise are like a river; they go forward and upward, never backward or downward.
— Matshona DhliwayoThe moment of realization is: When what you thought you couldn't be without, becomes a part of the past, rather than the start of the future.
— Melody CarstairsI know you don’t understand, but sometimes we have to go back to go forward,” he says.
— Zoe CruzWirewalker, trust your feet! Let them lead you; they know the way.
— Philippe PetitThough people are laughing at the dirt surrounding you, they are missing to see the seeds also planted, growing silently within.
— Anthony LiccioneAnd, in the end, I knew there was nothing better in life than keeping the head and the heart up—and when you cannot see the shoreline, always putting one hand, one word, in front of the other.
— Gerald HausmanI am not sure I can.'Become sure,' said the cat, his eyes flashing green in the firelight. 'Once you leap on a boar's back, you can't sheath your claws.
— Erin BowIt is better to go forward without a goal, than to have a goal and stay in one place, and it is certainly better than to stay in one place without a goal.
— Andrzej SapkowskiImpossible? Utopic? Sure! But for how long? Can any human endeavor be eternally impossible or utopic ? A time factor should be integrated to every affirmation of utopia, or else the people affirming that would only be affirming that they are not the ones who can make it happen.
— Haroutioun Bochnakian