A clock that is moving through space at a very fast speed does not tick at the same rate as a slow-moving watch gently attached to your wrist as you stroll on a tropical beach. The idea of a universal time - a godlike clock that could somehow sit outside our universe and measure, in one go, the movement of everything in it, how its evolution unfolds, how old it is and all that - does not exist.

— Christophe Galfard

Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

The excellence of the soul is understanding; for the man who understands is conscious, devoted, and already godlike.

— Hermes Trismegistus

It is probable that Tom Towers considered himself the most powerful man in Europe; and so he walked on from day to day, studiously striving to look a man, but knowing within his breast that he was a god.

— Anthony Trollope

We are graced with a godlike ability to transcend time and space in our minds but are chained to death.

— Russell Shorto