In fact, if our kids are successful in every normal way, they can still miss God's main mark.
— Craig GroeschelGod's blessings, however, aren't always bigger, better, and beautiful. In fact, I truly believe that God gifts His chosen leaders with a very unusual blessing. You might even call it a weird blessing because most of the time we call it...A burden.
— Craig GroeschelFailure to put the relationship on a slower timetable may result in an act that was never intended in the first place. Another important principle is to avoid the circumstances where compromise is likely. A girl who wants to preserve her virginity should not find herself in a house or dorm room alone with someone to whom she is attracted. Nor should she single-date with someone she has reason not to trust. A guy who wants to be moral should stay away from the girl he knows would go to bed with him. Remember the words of Solomon to his son, “Keep to a path far from her, do not go near the door of her house” (Proverbs 5:8). I know this advice sounds very narrow in a day when virginity is mocked and chastity is considered old-fashioned. But I don’t apologize for it. The Scriptures are eternal, and God’s standards of right and wrong do not change with the whims of culture. He will honor and help those who are trying to follow His commandments. In fact, the apostle Paul said, “He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear” (1Corinthians 10:13). Hold that promise and continue to use your head. You’ll be glad you did.
— James C. DobsonWhat I am recommending to the unmarried person, therefore, comes straight out of the Word: Stay out of bed unless you there alone! I know that advice is difficult to put into practice today. But I didn't make the rules. I'm just passing them along. God's moral laws are not designed to oppress us or deprive us of pleasure. They are there to protect us from the devastation of sin, including disease, heartache, divorce, and spiritual death. Abstinence before marriage and fidelity afterward is the Creator's own plan, and no one has devised a way to improve on it.
— James C. DobsonWe reflect God's character the most when we give freely of ourselves with no strings attached, no secret motives, no hidden agenda.
— Craig GroeschelDavid cuts through all the many needs, wants, and desires that may have been bouncing around inside him and essentially says, 'If I could have only one thing, I want to be with God, to be in His presence, to know that he is always with me.' Whether in good times or bad times, David knew the thing he needed most: to feel God's presence close by, intimately, through worship.
— Craig GroeschelRather than worrying about work, schedules, and deadlines, I felt at peace with God. He was in control. The world at large would not crumble because I turned off my iPhone. This is how it's supposed to be. For the first time in who knows how long, I felt like myself. Fully alive. Fully present. And fully aware of God's goodness.
— Craig GroeschelWhile some consider God's standards as too confining, a true believer sees them as loving and freeing.
— Craig GroeschelIf we conform our behavior to God’s ancient moral prescription, we are entitled to the sweet benefits of life. But if we defy its imperatives, then death is the inevitable consequence. AIDS is only one avenue by which sickness and death befall those who play Russian roulette with God’s eternal moral law.
— James C. DobsonFace your fears by remembering the power of God's cleaning truth. To change the way you are, change the way you think.
— Craig Groeschel