It is not reputation, fame, success or religiosity that glorifies God, it's slavery.

— indonesia123

Sweet wine makes drunk, sour wine (insult) is 'tetelestai'. Life is not about what we have done and become, but how God to be fully glorified.

— indonesia123

Religiousity is unself glory not purity.

— indonesia123

Big things in the glory of the world mean nothing. Small things in glory of God mean everything. Truly..., size doesn't matter in this world or in the world to come.

— indonesia123

Yesterday I was clever so I took the glory for me. Today HE makes me wise so I give the glory to HIM.

— indonesia123

Beware ! Heart is too small to feel happy but soul is too big to take glory.

— indonesia123

Yesterday I was clever, so I took the glory for me. Today He makes me wise, so I give the glory to Thee.

— indonesia123

Biggest tragedy of life is when God ask us to glorify Him for our sakes but we choose to glorify self for satan's good.

— indonesia123

If we glorify God (not self) in everything we do then everything on earth will glorify God.

— indonesia123

When we live holy we will glorify self but when we glorify God we will live holy.

— indonesia123