They'd never been lovers, of course, not in the physical sense. But they'd been lovers as most of us manage, loving through expressions and gestures and the palm set softly upon the bruise at the necessary moment. Lovers by inclination rather than by lust. Lovers, that is, by love.
— Gregory Maguire...I see you as series of gestures, a palette of colors -all these tiny tiles pixelate, and then coalesce... Into the idea of you...
— John GeddesWhen he smiles, they mostly look away. But Martin likes to think they carry his smile for a few blocks – that even the smallest gesture is something grand.
— Simon Van BooyTechnology is making gestures precise and brutal, and with them men.
— Theodor AdornoDialogue is not just quotation. It is grimaces, pauses, adjustments of blouse buttons, doodles on a napkin, and crossings of legs.
— Jerome SternNothing could have been more imprudent or more natural than this reply. It reflected the ecstasy inspired by great crises.
— Machado de AssisGestures, in love, are incomparably more attractive, effective and valuable than words.
— Francois RabelaisAn introvert talks more than an extrovert because when the mouth is closed, the mind is opened.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonIt's not about grand gestures.It's not about accolades.It's not about the world.It's about you.
— K.J. KiltonThe Pledge of Allegiance (1892) was the origin of the raised arm salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis). The Pledge was written by Francis Bellamy, cousin to Edward Bellamy (the author), and both were self-proclaimed national socialists in the United States. The original Pledge began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. In practice, the second gesture was performed palm down. The gesture was not an ancient Roman salute. All of these are discoveries of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of 'Pledge of Allegiance Secrets').
— John Thomas Nall