The gangs of arrogant thieves that can rob you of your success are your own doubts, fears and low self-image. Get them arrested and kept distances apart and you and your accomplishments are secured.
— Israelmore AyivorLittle boys run in gangs, grown men organise teams.
— Habeeb AkandeOnly the Army conducts an annual assessment, and they appear to do relatively little to analyze the problem, contributions to the problem, and potential solutions.
— Carter F. SmithThe speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.
— Mary Kay AshIt feels very cool to be part of a girl gang.
— Aidy BryantMost of the time, all the separates a class president and a gang leader is numbers: a zip code, a paycheck, or a drug dealer’s phone number.
— Thomm QuackenbushClowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am -- not stuck in the middle, but hovering above the entire farcical spectrum, weeping as I behold my fellow man's devotion to political illusion and self-destruction.
— Robert HiggsI know you don’t understand, but sometimes we have to go back to go forward,” he says.
— Zoe CruzWhenever someone starts talking about 'fair competition' or indeed, about 'fairness' in general, it is time to keep a sharp eye on your wallet, for it is about to be picked.
— Murray N. RothbardThe instant that any government obtains a monetary printing press, it becomes a deeply dishonest government, empowered to rob people by stealth. A government with the power to print money knows no limits.
— Jeffrey Tucker