The best part of traveling is finding yourself.

— Ken Poirot

Now the choices you make are not about finding your path. Rather, they are choices to open the path you have found.

— Ilchi Lee

...Some men are born out of their due place. Accident has cast them amid certain surroundings, but they have always a nostalgia for a home they know not.

— W. Somerset Maugham

By travelling to all the corners of the globe it allows me to further define the ever changing world we live in, which in turn helps me to redefine myself, therefore it is an important process towards becoming a complete person.

— Andrew James Pritchard

When my father was 17, he went to Montreal and found these submarine sandwich shops that were really successful, and weren't in Toronto [his home town]. So he went to my grandparents and said: 'Look, you have to give me the seed money to open up one of these places. We'll make a fortune. They've got lines going round the block. There's nothing like that here.' And my grandfather's response was: 'Look, I'm sure these sandwiches are really good, and if we scraped the money together we could make a lot of money and your mother and I would be really proud of you, but you need to find something that has *magic* in it for you.' It was off of that conversation that my father went to college on a music scholarship, started a film club and became one of the most successful directors of all time.

— Jason Reitman

You don´t have to let it linger Within the palm of your hand, The tip's already in your finger:All beginning comes to an end.

— Ana Claudia Antunes