Tristetea, ca si suferinta, ne revela existenta, deoarece în ele avem în constiinta separatia noastra de lumea obiectiva si nelinistea care da un caracter tragic vietuirii în existenta.Daca ar exista un zeu al tristetii, lui nu I-ar putea creste decât aripi negre si grele, pentru a zbura nu înspre ceruri, ci în infern.

— Emil M. Cioran

On Money - There are many ways to get rich quickly. All of them are risky. Some of them are dangerous. A few of them are downright fatal.

— Marsha Hinds

Life, here I come!' he said. And was immediately and fatally run over by a bus.

— Jonas Jonasson

I have coveted everything and taken pleasure in nothing.

— Guy de Maupassant

To own something and not be aware of it could not only be annoying, but fatal too. That is why most people had all the time but did nothing with it. They died leaving behind no invention or product that they could be remembered for.

— Sunday Adelaja

Don't you ever feel like, what if the world really IS messed up? What if we COULD Do it all over again from scratch? No more war. Nobody homeless. No more summer reading homework.'m listening. Annabeth: I mean, the West represents a lot of the best things mankind ever did--that's why the fire is still burning. That's why OlympusIs still around. But sometimes you just see the bad stuff, you know? And you start thinking the way Luke does: 'If I could tear this all down, I would do it better.'. Don't you ever feel that way? Like YOU could do a better job I'd you ran the world?Percy:Um...No. Me running the world would be kind of a nightmare. Annabeth: then you're lucky. Hubris isn't your fatal flaw.Percy: what is?Annabeth: I don't know, Percy, but every hero has one. If you don't find it and learn to control it...Well, they don't call it 'fatal' for nothing. Percy(thinking to himself): I thought about that. It didn't exactly cheer me up.

— Rick Riordan

Getting lost is not fatal. Almost every time, it will make your world.

— Julien Smith

Three hundred and thirty-two kids between the age of one month and fourteen years had been confined within the FAYZ.One hundred and ninety-six eventually emerged.One hundred and thirty-six lay dead.Dead and buried in the town plaza.Dead and floating in the lake or on its shores.Dead in the desert.In the fields.Dead of battles old and recent. Of starvation and accident, suicide and murder.It was a fatality rate of just over 40 percent.

— Michael Grant

It all seems like a horrible tragedy, with fate pressing on relentlessly to some destined end. Everything that one does seems, no matter how right it may be, to bring on the very thing which is most to be deplored.

— Bram Stoker