Aye lass,” nodded Gizurr, “you are quite the beauty for sure. I’d certainly offer to buy you a beer or two if I ever met you in a pub and that’s a fact.”Ragni tutted and elbowed Gizurr in the ribs, “Have some respect, she looks young enough to be your daughter.”“Well she isn’t is she?” snorted Gizurr, “She’s been trapped here for over two thousand years, made to think that she’s an ugly old bird and fooled by some arse wipe into protecting a lump of rock that is perfectly capable of looking after itself.”Ragni pursed his lips and nodded slowly in agreement.
— Jake AdlerMy name is Celaena Sardothien,' she whispered, 'and I will not be afraid.
— Sarah J. MaasOnce you become a known writer, you will not have bad books anymore. You will only have less good books than the good ones.
— I.B. GeorgeI was just thinking that it would be nice if, for once in a while, life made things easier,” I told him, feeling annoyed. “Why does life have to throw impossible tasks at us all the time for crying out loud?” At hearing my debate, Luna huffed.“Because life’s a bitch,” she growled under her breath, sulking. “That’s why.
— Adele RoseSo, Azalee—” When he turned to her, she stared daggers back—almost as though she had read his mind. Can Chertzes do that? He wondered in a wild moment of panic.“What?” bit Azalee when he didn’t continue.Mighty Zeus, could he go five minutes without offending a woman?
— Deidre HuesmannShe snorted in amusement at my remark. “When are the guards going to start to notice?” Keith peered into the distance. “Starting now,.
— Erica Sehyun SongHe reflects on all the times he thought she wasn’t sure of her feelings for him, when perhaps she might’ve been taking a leisurely stroll across Elijah’s heart, leaving footprints behind that he’d never seen.
— Christy A. CampbellPatience is the virtue that forges great men.
— Chris VincentIt does no good for you to spend all of your time worrying about what may come and being blind to what you have in the present.” ~Blaez, The Guardians of Eastgate.
— Sherry LeclercI just want to matter,' he said unsmiling. It was like pulling a curtain back, peering behind a mask made of smiles and quips. This was the real James, this young, bright, desperate thing. There was a burning intensity to his eyes, and she saw for the first time a boy who would sell his heart--not for some hobby, but because he thought it was the only way to life the life he wanted. They had that in common.
— Emily Lloyd-Jones