When one with honeyed words but evil mindPersuades the mob, great woes befall the state.
— EuripidesThose who don't value their words, will never value your wishes.
— Amit KalantriIt is so dark now with the sadness ofpeoplethey were tricked, they were taught to expect theultimate when nothing ispromisednow young girls weep alone in small roomsold men angrily swing their canes atvisions asladies comb their hair asants search for survivalhistory surrounds usand our livesslink awayinshame.
— Charles Bukowski...They say if you don't vote, you get the government you deserve, and if you do, you never get the results you expected.
— E.A. BucchianeriAny halfway clever devil would decorate the highway to Hell as beautiful as possible.
— Criss Jami