Whenever you're having a burden in your heart, share it to those people whom you trust. It'll make you feel better.
— Jayson EngayThrough the passage of my life I have learned that the power of positive association is so much stronger than any amount of negativity in the world. No matter how dark it is, a tiny beam of light is all it takes to kill the darkest of darkness.
— Asma NaqiThey said we are different. But I Said we are same because we all are busy to blaming others for our sins!
— sidWhen your girlfriend broke your heart, don't even say a word, just smile because she gives you the opportunity to find someone better than her.
— Werley NortreusFor us life is a fact, no less, and, above all, no more.
— Julien TormaFear of Death Stops You to Live.
— Tushar SaxenaBetter be a desperate single with many options than a desperate married with no option.
— Amen MufflerThe sins of the Fathers that are visited upon the Sons is not ignorance, but indifference to the truth.
— Tonny K. BrownWithout desire, one is a walking cadaver.
— Karldon OkrutaFact is is always truth but truth is not always fact.
— Bangambiki Habyarimana