If you are looking for a job that may make you sick, I can recommend working at a high powered solar photovoltaic (PV) utility power plant.
— Steven MageeWhen I was instructed to use medical oxygen to do my job at the W. M. Keck Observatory from 2001 to 2006, I was never told about the legal health information that is now posted on oxygen cylinders. My memories of the green medical oxygen cylinders that we would use daily is that they had no information on them and we were never given a recognised legal oxygen administration training course for routine daily use or a medical prescription from a doctor. We were shown the three oxygen cylinders at the facility and told to use them whenever we developed headaches, which was multiple times daily. It was common to find all three oxygen cylinders in use by other very high altitude workers and to have to line up to get a turn on the magical medical gas.
— Steven MageeMarketing is so powerful that it can make even an extremely untalented musician a one-hundred-hits wonder.
— Mokokoma MokhonoanaSome days are better than others. The same can be said about people.
— Mokokoma MokhonoanaNo tricks, no tools, but talent makes a task truly top class.
— Amit Kalantri