In the past I had often tried to escape the grown-up world of sorrow through my imagination- dreaming that a handsome young lieutenant would ride to my rescue or that a great empresario would discover my musical talents and whisk me away. I had envisioned knights in shining armor and happily ever after scenes to escape from rules or boredom or pain; including a vision of my mother walking through our front door whole and well again. Now I knew that a lifetime of escape led to a life like Aunt Bertie's. My imagination was a gift, but I had to live in the real world. My eyes had been opened this summer to poverty and crime and abuse and I needed to use my imagination not to escape, but to help people like Irina and Katya, to make my own contribution as the women in the women's pavilion had done. I couldn't do it in the same way Jane Adams and my grandmother and Aunt Mat were, but I would find my own way and my own time.

— Lynn Austin

Without even trying to be a teacher, Fredrika is teaching us,Showing us how to see things in new waysInstead of always thinkingThe same old thoughtsThat have been passed along by strangersDay after day, year after yearWithout any spirit of amazementOr wonder,.

— Margarita Engle

Effective listening is more than simply avoiding the bad habit of interrupting others while they are speaking or finishing their sentences. It's being content to listen to the entire thought of someone rather than waiting impatiently for your chance to respond.

— Richard Carlson

People need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want.

— Paulo Coelho

Most inherent beauties are hidden, as are precious stones in the rocks.

— Soke Behzad Ahmadi

Does wanting to die equal losing your mind?

— Ellen Hopkins

Tonight was definitely an eye opener, but a reminder of how I use to be & why. Self discovery happens at such random times.

— April Mae Monterrosa

When you see yourself in a shattered mirror, don't think of it as the broken pieces of yourself. Think of it as all of the pieces that make up you.

— Blaque Diamond

Success is mesmerizing, and blinding. Sometimes you need good old fashion failure to open your eyes.

— Noel DeJesus

A blink of an eye is what separates you from reality.

— Ljupka Cvetanova