No one can express who you are and what you stand for more than you do. Don't leave that to chance or others. If you do so, the likelihood of other people misgauging you is high. Take charge!

— Assegid Habtewold Habtewold

Don't exercise your freedom of speech until you have exercised your freedom of thought.

— Tim Fargo

I realized that I read books not because of the words used but because of the familiar feelings these words help me express.

— krisangelagb

What is the good of being an island, if you are not a volcanic island?

— Wyndham Lewis

The mere fact that I exist means that I deserve to be here and to express myself any damn why I please.

— Euphoria Godsent

If an artist is not only he who sings or paints, but he who express himself by words or drawing then I can consider myself as one.

— Amen Muffler

I don't get it - how you can feel like there are no consequences for living with your feelings on your sleeve.

— Julie Murphy

We tend to suppress our anger against each other which ultimately leads to big quarrels some day. If two people have been naturally expressing their differences of opinion or having small arguments on regular basis, they will never have resentment or enmity of a lifetime.

— Deep Trivedi

We wait too long to tell the people we love that they are the very reason that we exist. We assume that our wife, child, other family members, and friends understand our love and affection. We assume that people we care about understand our enigmatic idiosyncrasies and willingly accept the shrouded reasons behind our demonstrable oddities. We assume that other people sense that we struggle valiantly in our blackened landscape. We presume that other people comprehend our struggle to glean meaning amongst the ashes spewed from the absurd circumstances that we operate. Sometimes we need to stop and tell the tenderhearted persons whom we care about that we love them and explain that our awkward strangeness is not a rejection of them.

— Kilroy J. Oldster

Deliver your message with simplicity and see how powerful impact it has on the audience.

— Sujish Kandampully