Long before there was ever a King James Version of our Bible, there was a gospel truth...And long before doctrines and denominations, the preeminence of the gospel was already ripe to harvest. Before man had ever thought about creating symbols to represent spiritual things...There was a gospel.

— Chandel L. White

A major consequence of being psychologically asleep is the psychological and spiritual blindness which results from it. This results in action not from conscious awareness and true intelligence but from self-righteousness, which leads individuals and society as a whole into an abysmal pit.

— Belsebuub

Solitude is an unmarked place beyond the borders of the map, a place where most fear to tread. It’s no surprise, then, that this is where the greatest secrets and most valuable treasures are hidden.

— Cristen Rodgers

The key to the world is the key to your self and the key to yourself is the key to the world.

— Iva Kenaz

The 'Good News' is, the messiah cometh. The bad news is, he never does.

— Fakeer Ishavardas

Lucifer is the hero of the Bible, and the most misunderstood being in its narrative. He is not Satan, but the Light Bearer!

— J.Adam Snyder

The alchemy of life is to turn coins into cents, by making sense of change.

— Jennifer Sodini

Ascension to successive echelons in the pyramid of awareness is an act of inclusion requiring unconditional acceptance of all that lies below.

— Gerald R. Stanek

There are no such things as accidents. Only fate redesigned.

— Soroosh Shahrivar

The process of dying is falling asleep. The process of death is waking up.

— J.Adam Snyder