No matter how knowledgeable you are, respect your parents for their experience and your children for their curiosity.
— Amit KalantriIt is usually unbearably painful to read a book by an author who knows way less than you do, unless the book is a novel.
— Mokokoma MokhonoanaWhat did you do?” I mumble. He is just a few feet away from me now, but not close enough to hear me. As he passes me he stretches out his hand. He wraps it around my palm and squeezes. Squeezes, then lets go. His eyes are bloodshot; he is pale. “What did you do?” This time the question tears from my throat like a growl. I throw myself toward him, struggling against Peter’s grip, though his hands chafe. “What did you do?” I scream. “You die, I die too” Tobias looks over his shoulder at me. “I asked you not to do this. You made your decision. These are the repercussions.
— Veronica RothI also don't believe that whatever come after life depends on my correctly reciting a list of my transgressions-that sounds too much like an Erudite afterlife to me, all accuracy and no feeling.
— Veronica RothAmong other possibilities, money was invented to make it possible for a foolish man to control wise men; a weak man, strong men; a child, old men; an ignorant man, knowledgeable men; and for a dwarf to control giants.
— Mokokoma MokhonoanaMost adults are knowledgeable to a child, but ignorant for their age.
— Mokokoma MokhonoanaZachariah, Zachariah,' whispers Rachel, casting a practised eye over the back of his head and down the length of him, from the shoulder blades where his wings once grew, epochs ago, in some other guise: angel—guardian, avenging—or great vagrant bird—Daurian Jackdaw, Chimney Swift, Pacific Loon!
— Emma RichlerThe ability to think isn't exclusive to erudite.
— Veronica RothYou know how there are words that never really—they are never really quite right. You can't quite trust them. Use them. You know. Without p.
— Emma RichlerWhen you paint your lips, eye lids, nails or whatever, to look attractive, don't forget your up stairs(intellect) if you leave it behind, I will consider all other colors invalid.
— Michael Bassey Johnson