Love does not broadcast its arrival, it just creeps up and envelops your soul when you least expect it. It is up to you whether you welcome or fight it, but one thing is for sure...It will get you in the end...
— Virginia AlisonI had a dream about you. I licked your cone of ice cream. It was envelope flavored.
— Melody SohayeghYes, a deep lesson from the postage stamp. It attaches itself to a moveable material, the envelope and gets going. A good relationship keeps you going forward; a bad one keeps you static. Attach yourself to someone who is also going forward and you will also get there.
— Israelmore AyivorI don't want the words to be naked the way they are in faxes or in the computer. I want them to be covered by an envelope that you have to rip open in order to get at. I want there to be a waiting time -a pause between the writing and the reading. I want us to be careful about what we say to each other. I want the miles between us to be real and long. This will be our law -that we write our dailiness and our suffering very, very carefully.
— Siri HustvedtMy visage high above your city,Shines like gold, but half as pretty.Arms I've none, but hands I've two:Mondo, mini, black not blue.Climb my stairs and have no fears, All that threatens are my gears.Tucked beneath the mightly wheel,An envelpe shall truth reveal.
— Megan Frazer Blakemore