We are like a people under [a] sentence of death, waiting for the date to be set. We sense that something is about to happen.We know that things cannot go on as they are. History has reached an impasse. We are now on a collision course. Something is about to give.
— Billy GrahamGod, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son.
— Hebrews 1 12What is the difference between my view and the classical Christian perspective? I am convinced that there are not multiple comings and multiple returns of Christ, but only one decisive coming at the end of the world, which includes the resurrection, the rapture, and his appearance in the sky!
— Eli Of KittimWhen the “evil day” comes, we do not have to be dependent upon the circumstances around us, but rather on the resources of God!
— Billy Graham[Jesus Christ] is the Lord of history. Nothing is taking God by surprise. Events are moving rapidly toward some sort of climax . . .When His Son, Jesus Christ, returns to be rightful Ruler of the world.
— Billy GrahamWe have reached the end of one era, and now we don't know what is all around us. Because we're already in a new era, and it is very different from the old one. Science and the world of technology are both changing everything so quickly, even our bodies. So the original ancient culture was present here, but to no avail, at this point in history it has come to stop. It still has some effect, some kind of continuity, but it cannot analyse and reformulate things, it cannot impact things with absolute strength. The age to follow will be full of dangers. It will be full of difficulties. In all likelihood, it will not be a good future for mankind. It is even possible this new era will mean the end of mankind.
— László KrasznahorkaiLike measuring light as a particle or wave makes it what the observer expects, so too does assuming things about reality make it so. I fear the conclusion people gear up for is the wholesale demise of many millions unless this spiritual ennui ceases. How many catastrophes have people expected in the last few decades? How many times have humans expected the End Times?
— Thomm QuackenbushIn that instant, Gogolov feared death. He could feel himself falling through the dark void of space. He was flailing and terrified and utterly alone. He braced for impact, but it never came. He cried for mercy he would never see. He felt the searing heat and the demons ripping at his eyes and face with claws like razors. And then, in a terrifying flash of clarity, he realized it would never end.
— Joel C. RosenbergThe world is heading for another major crisis that is being called, even by the secular world, “Armageddon.
— Billy GrahamMine is the only view that appropriately combines the end-time messianic expectations of the Jews with Christian scripture.
— Eli Of Kittim