Darkness falls upon Humanityand faces become terriblethingsthat wanted more than therewas.All our days are marked withunexpectedaffronts - somedisastrous, othersless sobut the process iswearing andcontinuous.Attrition rules.Most givewayleavingempty spaceswhere people shouldbe.And nowas we ready to self-destructthere is very little left tokillwhich makes the tragedyless and moremuch muchmore.

— Charles Bukowski

Madness is loving the unsolvable puzzle of your soul and replacing the lost pieces with my own.

— Shannon L. Alder

Each of us has empty spaces in our heart that go through life being filled temporarily, by the various people we meet along the way. The trick is to find what needs to remain permanently filled in our soul and what needs to be filled occasionally through encounters.

— Shannon L. Alder

The burnt-off connectors and shadows where Ravan once filled my spaces— those, I think, are the sensations of grief.

— Catherynne M. Valente

The empty spaces of your soul are the ones you search for, pray for and want so desperately to be filled. They are also the spaces that will never be filled, until you are ready to do something you have never done.

— Shannon L. Alder

A writer observes. A writer records for posterity. The moments in the transience of the labyrinth of time that would go unrecorded otherwise! A writer records for value. A writer records for sentimentalism. A writer tries in earnest to carry the emotions and sentiments that make us what we ultimately are. For what are we? Empty spaces in an atom!

— Avijeet Das

You will never say goodbye to the past, until you understand why the flashbacks haunt you.

— Shannon L. Alder

Only once in a while you become aware of your intrinsic nature, with sudden bursts of empty spaces, without any effort on your part, you come home, rejoice every breath so deep and so soothing, you relax, unfocused, you skip into timelessness. This is the greatest mystery, the greatest gift of existence, without any identification to your senses, no clutches of your old patterns of mind. Few Glimpses of Heaven on the earth! I have experienced, have you?

— Ramana Pemmaraju