The United States brags about its political system, but the President says one thing during the election, something else when he takes office, something else at midterm and something else when he leaves.

— Deng Xiaoping

You sold out! We elected you, and you sold out! The next time we have an election, I think everyone should vote for himself. Or we might just as well vote for Charlie Brown! Yes, next year we may even say, 'You're elected, Charlie Brown!

— Charles M. Schulz

A single man is minority, a leader is the majority.

— Amit Kalantri

Well, you know what, I'm 60 years old, and I've been interested in politics since I was on my daddy's knee. During the 1948 election, we were praying for Truman. I know a lot about politics.

— Roger Ebert

Rayner can't go into politics, she's got more shit on her than Elton John's cock!

— Garth Ennis

Repeat a lie a thousand times and it become a successful political campaign.

— Ljupka Cvetanova

To maintain your integrity, be a person who does not violate the principles of the truth. Vote for truth even if you have to vote alone; believe it 'your vote will not be lost'!

— Israelmore Ayivor

If America is to be strong in the future, Americans must see America as home, not divided by race or region. Build American jobs for the future and come together with compassion to solve problems.

— Phil Mitchell

If we would vote in mass on the more promising ticket, or, if the two are equally bad, would throw out the party that is in, and wait till the next election and then throw out the other party that is in - then, I say, the commercial politician would feel a demand for good government and he would supply it.

— Lincoln Steffens

The 2016 USA presidential election race clarified how an evil Nazi dictator like Adolf Hitler was able to come to power in global politics.

— Steven Magee