Either life entails courage, or it ceases to be life.

— E. M. Forster

Same time as every day, Fyl...' she fussed, the rest of the bridge crew seeming to hold their breaths. 'TWELVE THIRTY!' came the chorus. The next hour dragged by, in about the same way as the hour before that. At twelve twenty-five, Commander Ortez found himself stepping out of an elevator into an equally mundane grey steel corridor on his way to the mess hall. Turning a corner, he met with a stream of crewmen milling around between shifts. Some off-duty personnel were lounging around in civvies, which consisted mostly of re-revamped 60's hippy fashions. Of all the places on the ship, the mess was the most spacious, (I.E.: it was a big mess.) The command officer’s balcony overhung the rest of the crew dining area. Ortez sat at his usual place, wincing as he remembered to get someone to fix the springs in his chair. An ensign, 3rd class dressed in chef’s white, served him with a plate of what either ended up feeding the chefs latest pet - or strangling it. Marnetti, Barnum and the sciences officer Commander Jaris Skotchdopole filed in, not necessarily in that order, and found seats. After a few bites, Marnetti -- who was the first officer and navigator, put up a hand and signalled a waiter. The lad approached fearfully, appreciating the highlight of his day.

— Christina Engela

You can't be taught to be brainy. You've either got it or you don't.

— Samantha Fox

Polite conversation is rarely either.

— Fran Lebowitz

Either war is obsolete, or men are.

— R. Buckminster Fuller

I will either be famous or infamous.

— Otto Dix

Either one lives 'for' politics or one lives 'off' politics.

— Max Weber

In politics it is necessary either to betray one's country or the electorate. I prefer to betray the electorate.

— Charles de Gaulle

Either the car is stationary, or it's on the move.

— Murray Walker

Relationships are working either for our good and success, or they are harming us.

— Sunday Adelaja