Codependency is a learned set of behaviors, thought processes, and habits. When combined together, they fit a very loose definition. All people exhibit these traits to some degree, but some of us allow them to dictate our relationships with others and ourselves.

— David W. Earle

We ardently desire to take down our masks and say to the world, “This is who I am…and I am okay.” This is simple…not easy.

— David W. Earle

Since children from dysfunctional families are so good at judging others, they also judge themselves finding themselves unacceptable when compared to others, always assuming they are second best, not enough. This is a painful realization so often they hide behind righteous arrogance.

— David W. Earle

Being judgmental is a form of attack keeping others off balance.

— David W. Earle

Change will not successfully happen unless the emotional component is solved.

— David W. Earle

People who are unwilling to talk about deep personal issues do not trust their own emotions.

— David W. Earle