It's the duty of every man to free himself. Never accept to live an underdog's life in god’s world.

— Bangambiki Habyarimana

Poets, Writers . . . Know that we are the enchanting magicians that nourishes the seeds of dreams and thoughts . . . It is our words that entice the hearts and minds of others to believe there is something grand about the possibilities that life has to offer and our words tease it forth into action . . . For you are the Poet, the Writer to whom the Gift of Words has been entrusted . . . Wsp.

— William S. Peters

Every revolution starts with the aim to help the poor, but when the poor get it they forget who they were and become the new oppressors. The cycle goes on forever.

— Bangambiki Habyarimana

Let no one ever intimidate you, you are standing on no one's ground. But again, some have claimed the earth as their own and usurped power from the rest of us. But they are usurpers; power belongs to every one of us. Seek it as much as possible. There is no shame in that. In fact it's a necessity. Either you have power or you are trampled to death in the stampede to get to the top.

— Bangambiki Habyarimana

There is no greater duty in this world than to serve others with deep compassion and love.

— Debasish Mridha