When life is foggy, path is unclear and mind is dull, remember your breath. It has the power to give you the peace. It has the power to resolve the unsolved equations of life.

— Amit Ray

Better to be caught in sudden, complete catastrophe than to be gnawed by the cancer of imagination.

— Yukio Mishima

What kind of life can you have in a house without books?

— Sherman Alexie

Every poet... Finds himself born in the midst of prose. He has to struggle from the littleness and obstruction of an actual world into the freedom and infinitude of an ideal.

— Thomas Carlyle

I like to prowl ordinary places.I feel sorry for us all or glad for us allcaught alive togetherand awkward in that way.There's nothing better than the jokeof usthe seriousness of usthe dullness of us.

— Charles Bukowski

One of the dumbest things you were ever taught was to write what you know. Because what you know is usually dull. Remember when you first wanted to be a writer? Eight or ten years old, reading about thin-lipped heroes flying over mysterious viny jungles toward untold wonders? That's what you wanted to write about, about what you didn't know. So. What mysterious time and place don't we.

— Ken Kesey

It was one of the dullest speeches I ever heard. The Agee woman told us for three quarters of an hour how she came to write her beastly book, when a simple apology was all that was required.

— P.G. Wodehouse

Pure wisdom is the 'fruit of life' banal platitudes are the 'bane of existence'.

— Criss Jami

Disappointment, fear, grief, unlove, dullness and guilt are the worst feelings. Learn from them so that you move on. Then replace them with more satisfying and promising joy, love gratitude, pride, confidence, direction.

— Diana Jaber

Love from novels isn't true love: it ends where it should begin. True love, deep love, grows up with time, throughout days of dullness and days of storms. It leaves in one's heart a rainbow of tenderness and forgiveness which illuminates forever the beloved one.

— Gabrielle Dubois