Remember the balance; the give-and-take of energy. The symbol of yin and yang is more than the integration of male and female. It’s also the balance of light and dark, soft and hard, active and passive, in and out, giver and receiver. You can’t have one without the other.
— Brownell LandrumTrust acquired through challenged skepticism is infinitely more solid and lasting than passive acceptance.
— Brownell LandrumLove transcends dimensions of time and space.
— Brownell LandrumThe right music and lyrics can infiltrate your soul.
— Brownell LandrumDark energy is the absence of love, just as black is the absence of color. The more love, the more colors added to the palette, the more light is achieved.
— Brownell LandrumThere’s a fine line between trying to be everything your mate wants you to be and wanting to be loved for who you are.
— Brownell LandrumWhen a confident woman allows you to take over the care of her, you’re both elevated to a higher level.
— Brownell LandrumIt’s awfully difficult to be ‘right’ when you don’t have all the information.
— Brownell LandrumA soul is a vast collection of experiences. The unification of lessons. The accumulation of events designed to help us evolve and grow through love.
— Brownell LandrumWhen the shadow is in front of you, all you see is the darkness and forget the sun is at your back.
— Brownell Landrum