To be able to listen -- really, wholly passively, self-effacingly listen -- without presupposing, classifying, improving, controverting, evaluating, approving or disapproving, without dueling with what is being said, without rehearsing the rebuttal in advance, without free-associating to portions of what is being said so that succeeding portions are not heard at all -- such listening is rare.

— Abraham H. Maslow

Swords. That is no faenorn ; that is slaughter.” The Grand Seneschal shrugged. “The Master did not protest. And, indeed, what weapon could he have suggested that would suit him any better?” “Fire,” she said. “He would not,” said the Seneschal. “You know he would not.

— Robin McKinley

The shot was so precise that the bullet went out his forehead and shattered a whisky bottle against the wall behind the counter.

— Justin Bienvenue

I find it rude to laugh at a man with a sword.

— Derek Landy

Scared?' Malfoy muttered, so that Lockhart couldn't hear him.'You wish.' said Harry out of the corner of his mouth.

— J.K. Rowling

A man cannot be too careful in selecting the individual who is intrusted with his cartel. He should run over the names of his friends, and endeavour to obtain the services of a staid, cool, calculating old fellow; if possible, one who has seen some few shots exchanged: but I should advise his never choosing an Irishman on any account, as nine out of ten of those I have had the pleasure of forming an acquaintance with, both abroad and in this country, have such an innate love of fighting, they cannot bring an affair to an amicable adjustment.

— A Traveller

Eena!” Recognizing Ian’s voice, Eena turned to find him approaching her from behind. He was entirely clad in body armor and gauntlets, cradling an open-faced helmet in one arm. Painted on his chest plate was a flaming, gold sword. From his side hung a leather sheath, a golden hilt peeking from the top. “I’m glad you’re back. You are going to stay and watch us play, aren’t you?” He looked hopeful she’d say yes. Eena smiled brightly. “I didn’t know you were talented enough to be on a dueling team. Nice sword,” she t.

— Richelle E. Goodrich