Hurry up, Hodgeyboy! You run like a fat badger after Sunday tea.' Mibbitwiss.
— Kathy CyrNo, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.
— R.A. SalvatoreI am The Dragon And I have come!
— Kehinde SonolaYou won't find the tales I bear in any books . . . My tales are from the Moon Realm.” —Ebb Autumn.
— Richard DueBut—' yelped Twizbang, “Greydor will eat us!
— Richard DueI will tell him that I've always thought he was a monster. And that I want to be his bride.
— Yangzee ChooShigure Sohma: So anyway I was wondering if you could stop by the house and take a look at Tohru's cut. That is if it isn't a problem.Hatori Sohma: No problem. I'll stop by the house this evening. Shigure Sohma: Hmmm What's this Hatori I don't think I ever heard you sound so eager to come over. Could it be you have a secret crush on Tohru [long silence from the other end of the phone]Shigure Sohma: [shouts] I knew it You naughty naughty man you Hatori Sohma: No I was simply too amazed by your stupidity to say anything.
— Natsuki TakayaStress is a dragon.Believe in it and you’re toast.Slay your stress.
— Khang Kijarro NguyenSo comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.
— J.R.R. TolkienHumans have reason to hate us dragons. If one dragon turns against humankind, he is a great and terrible foe.
— Kathryn Fogleman