Focus on your work. Do what you're great at. Don't compare yourself to others and or waste time criticizing the lives and work of others. Do what matters most to you and make a difference doing that.
— Germany KentGo wherever the narrow way passes. If possible, go wherever there seems to be no way and create a way.
— Israelmore AyivorThe world is waiting for you, never give up on your dream(s). Arise and make an impact, there are people who are just waiting for your story which will give them a turn around in their lives. It can be the message of the gospel, motivation, inspiration, etc. You need to spread that message, you CAN'T KEEP it to yourself. I dare you to Make a Difference.
— Wisdom Kwashie MensahShow the world you are not here to just pass through. Leave great footprints wherever you pass and be remembered for the change you initiated.
— Israelmore AyivorKindness is universal. Sometimes being kind allows others to see the goodness in humanity through you. Always be kinder than necessary.
— Germany Kent