Live with no time out.

— Simone de Beauvoir

Emotional maturity is the ability to stick to a job and to struggle through until it is finished to endure unpleasantness discomfort and frustration.

— Edward A. Strecker

We rate ability in men by what they finish not by what they begin.

— Anonymous

I've been failing for like ten or eleven years. When it turns it'll turn. Right now I'm just tryin' to squeeze through a very tight financial period get the movie out and put my things in order.

— Francis Ford Coppola

Sometimes I can see colour without opening my eyes. I saw that Billy's heart was no colour and every colour. Like water or diamonds or crystals, it's pure and reflects the light.

— Glenda Millard

The race is not always to the swift but to those who keep on running.

— Anonymous

How many years you have to keep on doing until you know what to do and how to do!

— Johann von Goethe

Tolerate the ... Process of coming to knowledge or certainty or clarity through sometimes apparently hopeless thickets of confusion or bewilderment. Learn not to be surprised or disheartened by the muddle you inhabit and not to press too soon for a superficial reprieve.

— Joe David Bellamy

Never grow a wishbone daughter where your backbone ought to be.

— Clementine Paddleford

I don't feel pressure in a negative way. I like pressure. I feel excitement and calm at the same time. No pressure, no diamonds. I want pressure: pressure creates drama, creates emotion.

— Conor McGregor